

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBX-99352.0.16Aadded check for item delay, to be between 0 and 86400 seconds
ZBX-98582.0.16Sadded error message logging when SNMP trapper file size exceeds 2GB
ZBX-98092.0.16Ffixed action operation validation
ZBX-97382.0.16Afixed deletion of related action operations when deleting a host group
ZBX-97212.0.16Gfixed agent log message for log[] item in case of log records longer than 256kB
ZBX-96772.0.16Sfixed compilation warnings in the escalator.c module
ZBX-96392.0.16Ffixed chart width validation
ZBX-89892.0.16Tmoved Total memory item from Filesystems to Memory application in Template OS Windows
ZBX-82352.0.16Afixed losing initial values when updating templated items
ZBX-13572.0.16AFupdated Czech and Russian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators