

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-40813.0.13Fimproved error message for case when none of supported database modules exists
ZBXNEXT-14213.0.13Fadded service sorting by name if multiple services has same 'sortorder' value
ZBX-128543.0.13PSfixed crash of VMware collector with DebugLevel=4
ZBX-127223.0.13Ffixed scrollbar causing a JS error in "500 latest values" page due to unnecessarily initialization
ZBX-127103.0.13Ffixed OS type detection logic
ZBX-125433.0.13Ffixed problems with session management
ZBX-122603.0.13Gfixed windows agent to support UTF-16LE, UCS-2, UCS-2LE encodings
ZBX-122593.0.13Sadded an informative warning about lack of data for macros used in LLD rule filter
ZBX-119023.0.13Gfixed CPU count for LPAR partitions in IBM AIX