

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-34873.0.7Fadded vm.vmemory.size to active item helper, updated descriptions and sorted; thanks richlv for patch
ZBX-13573.0.7AFupdated Czech, English (United States), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Ukrainian translations; thanks to Zabbix translators
ZBX-116133.0.7Ffixed "Response time" graph on "Details of web scenario" page
ZBX-115733.0.7PSfixed possible crash when polling
ZBX-115343.0.7Sfixed default operation step duration to be included in minimal step calculation instead of overriding
ZBX-115283.0.7Gfixed zabbix_get to match zabbix_server protocol
ZBX-114943.0.7Gfixed "system.stat" returning not supported after Zabbix agent restart on AIX
ZBX-114793.0.7Gfixed threaded metric to handle interruption by a signal
ZBX-113543.0.7Ffixed applications and application prototypes being reset in templated items and item prototypes when modifying its parent
ZBX-109833.0.7PSfixed crash in IPMI poller, added deleting of inactive IPMI hosts in 'unreachable poller', improved code correctness and debug logging
ZBX-109793.0.7changed vmware.vm.cpu.ready item units and description