

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBX-191504.0.30Fadded csrf check
ZBX-191494.0.30Jupdated logback-core, logback-classic and slf4j-api jars to the latest stable versions: 1.2.3, 1.2.3 and 1.7.30
ZBX-191174.0.30Afixed host deletion, template deletion and maintenance update was not shown in audit log report when it was made via API request
ZBX-191114.0.30Aimproved performance of checking circular and double linkages of templates
ZBX-190234.0.30Afixed inheritance of the permissions and tag filters for new host groups
ZBX-189984.0.30AFrewrote API main object validation
ZBX-170004.0.30Fchanged translation of 'last' for week of month in japanese
ZBX-128674.0.30Freworked problem event popup of problems widget to load data only on mouse hover and click
ZBX-103704.0.30Jallowed Java Gateway to use ssl with remote registry