

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-63005.0.26Tadded checksum failure triggers to PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template
ZBX-77065.0.26AFimproved performance of graph.get and graphprototype.get methods
ZBX-212185.0.26Sfixed deadlocks between server and frontend when discovering items with LLD
ZBX-210205.0.26improved "ServerActive" configuration option description
ZBX-207435.0.26Sfixed error handling in compression with Apache licensed TimescaleDB 2.x
ZBX-206675.0.26Gfixed timeout issue for Agent 2 checks in test run mode
ZBX-205865.0.26Gfree tls C resources when closing tls connection on agent2
ZBX-204735.0.26Tfixed evaluation period macro in disk space triggers for NetApp FAS3220 template
ZBX-204485.0.26Gimproved error message when failed to accept incoming connection
ZBX-202035.0.26Gfixed agent2 log* item large file support on windows
ZBX-192055.0.26Tfixed item preprocessing in PostgreSQL by Zabbix agent 2 template, removed duplicate PostgreSQL templates from templates.tmpl
ZBX-190015.0.26Gfixed wmi.getall[] and wmi.get[] to report invalid queries
ZBX-189575.0.26Ffixed not displaying years on X axis of classic graphs