

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-80355.0.29Tadded override for file system discovery trigger in f5 template
ZBXNEXT-71225.0.29FSadded detection of compressed chunks in history or trend tables, and warnings that suggest enabling housekeeping overrides accordingly
ZBX-217085.0.29Ffixed PHP TypeError when opening non-existing dashboard
ZBX-216735.0.29Tfixed read operations per second preprocessing in Ceph by Zabbix agent 2 template
ZBX-216105.0.29Gfixed problem with sysctl() kern.proc.args API bug on FreeBSD <= 8.2
ZBX-216055.0.29Ffixed possible PHP runtime errors in several modal popup dialogs
ZBX-215625.0.29Ffixed maps not working with elements having disabled triggers
ZBX-215375.0.29Sfixed history syncers being stuck waiting on system information being collected
ZBX-215325.0.29Ffixed missing inherited tags for templated triggers in edit form, tag tab
ZBX-214845.0.29Tupdated documentation for templates SMART by Zabbix agent 2
ZBX-214665.0.29Gfixed race condition in Zabbix agent 2 leading to permanently stuck mount reads
ZBX-214525.0.29Gfixed wmi.get* crash of zabbix_agentd for windows
ZBX-212275.0.29Gfixed Zabbix agent to log received service control commands
ZBX-203925.0.29Tadded close/ack/unack of events for OPSgenie media
ZBX-202965.0.29Tfixed swap and available memory trigger functions for os templates
ZBX-195125.0.29Ffixed debug info block content refresh after changing table content in Monitoring -> Problems page
ZBX-192245.0.29Aadded ability to unset headers in web scenario
ZBX-184785.0.29Ffixed LDAP test button visibility in user authentication form
ZBX-173005.0.29Ffixed handling of context menu in Map builder
ZBX-170605.0.29Sfixed unexpected interface connection mode change during autoregistration