

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-83916.0.18Tadded container healthcheck metric in Docker by Zabbix agent 2 template
ZBXNEXT-83576.0.18Pimproved proxy history housekeeping when data older than ProxyOfflineBuffer is being constantly received
ZBXNEXT-83546.0.18Gadded pids_stats to docker.container_stats key in Zabbix agent 2
ZBXNEXT-83306.0.18Gupdated plugin support with defaults support for Zabbix agent 2
ZBXNEXT-82736.0.18GPSimplemented support for relative Include paths in the config file, based on its current directory
ZBXNEXT-82096.0.18Tadded Azure CosmosDB for MongoDB template
ZBXNEXT-81996.0.18Tadded Google cloud platform monitoring template
ZBXNEXT-81426.0.18Aadded ability to import configuration files with a UTF-8 Byte order mark
ZBXNEXT-80786.0.18Fremoved unnecessary new line for each element in an array when exporting YAML templates
ZBX-228596.0.18Ffixed validation of input parameters in action configuration form
ZBX-227736.0.18Smade NodeAddress use ListenIP and ListenPort if not specified
ZBX-227326.0.18Ffixed description of ATAN2 mathematical function
ZBX-227146.0.18Ffixed signature for mqtt.get key in Standard items popup
ZBX-227136.0.18Sfixed Zabbix server compilation problem for NetBSD
ZBX-226886.0.18Sfixed AlertScriptPath not allowing links
ZBX-226646.0.18PSfixed user macros with regex context being resynced without any changes
ZBX-226616.0.18Ffixed templated dashboard display in Monitoring Hosts Dashboards
ZBX-226046.0.18Tadded new replica mismatch metrics to Kubernetes cluster state template, updated triggers
ZBX-224756.0.18Tfixed regex in preprocessing parameter for Jenkins template
ZBX-224696.0.18Afixed SLI calculation for services having multiple alarms per second
ZBX-224616.0.18Ffixed incorrect sortable item positioning in Safari
ZBX-223866.0.18Ffixed encoding of HTML entities in the user interface
ZBX-222856.0.18Afixed honoring of the excludeSearch parameter in API
ZBX-222386.0.18Ffixed non-writable hostgroup appearance in template, host and host prototype clone forms
ZBX-222346.0.18Sfixed incorrect SNMPINDEX offset retrieval in SNMP discovery
ZBX-221926.0.18Ffixed valid widget name being reset when other widget fields are invalid
ZBX-221416.0.18Tfixed attaching multiple templates with proc.get item key to one host and fixed spelling in description
ZBX-220296.0.18Tfixed preprocessing step in Pods discovery for Kubernetes kubelet template
ZBX-219106.0.18Tfixed JavaScri[t in Kubernetes nodes template
ZBX-218716.0.18Aswitched for the changes in users of user group API object to be audit logged as updates in groups of user API objects
ZBX-218016.0.18Ffixed helper positioning when sorting Header and Query fields in item configuration form
ZBX-217956.0.18GPSfixed unhandled timeout in Telnet
ZBX-216136.0.18PSfixed broken database upgrade if more than one Zabbix server at the same time on one database is started
ZBX-216006.0.18Toptimised preprocessing steps and added dashboard in the TiDB by HTTP template
ZBX-215996.0.18Toptimised preprocessing steps and added dashboard in the TiDB TiKV by HTTP template
ZBX-215986.0.18Toptimised preprocessing steps and added dashboard in the TiDB PD by HTTP template
ZBX-213976.0.18Tfixed preprocessing step in discovery for Kubernetes kubelet template
ZBX-206046.0.18Gfixed UserParameterDir behavior for UserParameter calls
ZBX-202026.0.18Timproved tablespace handling to support Oracle multitenant architecture in Oracle by ODBC template