

From: To:

凡例: A - API, F - Frontend, G - Agent, J - Java gateway, P - Proxy, S - Server, T - Template

ZBXNEXT-89146.0.37Greworked Oracle plugin queries to use variable binding
ZBX-255426.0.37Sadded SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT timeout for ODBC monitoring
ZBX-254046.0.37Gfixed issue of trapper item failing when space character is used in the 'Allowed hosts' field
ZBX-253906.0.37Gfixed vfs.fs.get item for Digital Audio CD disks on Windows
ZBX-253776.0.37Gfixed crash when executing vfs.fs.size or other metrics and forked metric is terminated abnormally
ZBX-253756.0.37Ffixed command icon visibility in acknowledges for hc-light theme
ZBX-252696.0.37Ffixed widget iterator readiness
ZBX-252676.0.37Gfixed Zabbix agent 2 refusing PSK connections when using PSK and certs
ZBX-248956.0.37Fchanged double quotes to single quotes for a string in an SQL statement